Senior Strong sign campaign a huge success!
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Senior Strong sign campaign a huge success!

Updated: May 2, 2020

Thanks to local Spencer supporters seniors will be able to celebrate their graduation with a fun and unique yard sign!

An idea from a friend quickly spurred me into action a couple weeks ago. She shared how her community in North Carolina was creating signs for seniors in honor of their graduations, ceremonies that won't be happening this year.

An idea was born

“Do you think you can do something like there with your talents? It would be a great feel-good for the community.”

As soon as she planted the idea, I was off to the races. I am affected by Covid-19 as well. I'm currently furloughed from my full-time job and was trying to find things to keep me busy. I've always done freelance marketing on the side, but this time was my chance to launch something a little bigger. Great friends are good for us like that! She pushed me to reach beyond my current setbacks!

A sign in the making

I reached out to our local school district to gain their approval and found out they already had a sign in the works. That could have stopped me, but they allowed me to go ahead with my sign. I was pleasantly surprised and very grateful. I offered to donate a portion of my proceeds back to the school foundation. Shortly after that, I designed a sign, got a website up to collect orders, got my business launched, sales tax ID and away we went! #seniorstrong is the sign motto and it didn't disappoint!

Thank you!

The signs were a great hit for my first time "out of the gate", sales soared, people even contacted me for personalized banners, signs and posters. When I had my costs covered, I decided to go a step further and donate a banner to a local business for them to put up to celebrate our 2020 seniors. It feels good to give. Even better, if feels good to feel supported during this time in my life. And, I am happy to announce, that we will be donating $200 to the school foundation for future seniors.

Congratulations graduates of 2020. You deserve a HUGE celebration.

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